Ocean Sustainability Club “(OSC) of Bangladesh Marine Academy has been inaugurated by Dr. Sajid Hussain, Commandant, Bangladesh Marine Academy on 04/10/2018.

A new initiative has been taken by Bangladesh Marine Academy towards protecting the environment and safeguards our oceans through capacity building among our next generation marines as well as other stakeholders. On this occasion, academy has inaugurated the “Ocean Sustainability Club” (OSC) of Bangladesh Marine Academy on 04/10/2018. The club was inaugurated by the Commandant Bangladesh Marine Academy, Dr.Sajid Hussain.
Ocean Sustainability Club (OSC) is a nonprofitable volunteer organization governed by the authority of Bangladesh Marine Academy, Chittagong. Cadets of the Academy are the core members of the club. All the Ex-Cadets of the academy are also invited the club voluntarily. The primary objective of the club is to foster awareness of marine and coastal environments of Bangladesh through educational programs.
The mission of the club is to promote the agendas of the UN’s sustainable development goals as well as to understand and protect our coastal environment and marine ecosystem through research-based voluntary works.
On the same occasion, the club has also published its official newsletter the “Blue Ocean”.


“To be the leading platform in South East Asia to conserve the coastal and marine environment”

“Educate people to achieve a sustainable marine environment”

-To perform educational activities and to arrange seminar that encourages the responsible use and conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems by stakeholders.
-To conduct scientific research to improve the health of Karnaphuli River and coastal area of Bay of Bengal where the coastal area near Bangladesh Marine Academy will get the most priority
–To inform the public and decision-makers about the natural resources of the Bay and threats to their long-term protection
-To promote conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems of Bangladesh
-To collaborate with other institutions and individuals whenever possible to move forward the Club’s mission.

Newsletter of OSC (Blue Ocean)
