Let’s conquer Covid-19 together
24 March 2020
The spread of the CoronaVirus disease (COVID-19) has become a global emergency. Since its outbreak, this epidemic has caused about 380,000 infections (including about 100,000 recovery) and taken over almost 16,500 lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020.
Bangladesh Marine Academy (BMA), since February 2020, has been taking precautionary measures to safeguard its Cadets, Staff, Officers and the family members that live in the campus. Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 in various countries, related safety posters and leaflets have been posted on the notice boards in the residential places. Awareness of the cleanliness has been highlighted among all.
Later, as per the decision of the Government and the instruction of the Ministry of Shipping the Pre-Sea and Post-Sea Cadets have been given a special vacation for 17-31 March 2020 (may be extended if necessary) and they have proceeded to their homes on 16 March 2020. Before proceeding to their homes, joining the Cadets’ dinner on 15 March 2020, the Commandant Dr. Sajid Hussain CEng CMarEng FIMarEST during his speech emphasized that the most important thing at the present time is to do our best to stay safe, remain calm and continue to observe all the established precautions. The Commandant has emphasized that the health and well-being of the Cadets, Staff, Officers and the Family Members (altogether over 700) remain his top priority.
Later a Commandant’s Temporary Memorandum (CTM No. 27/2020) has been issued on 19 March 2020 highlighting necessary precautions against the possible effects of the Covid-19 in the Campus. Particularly the entry to and exit from the campus has been strictly barred/restricted. Boat services are closed along with the Jetty & Jetty-way has been closed. The role of the Academy Staff Welfare Association in implementing the conditions of the CTM is remarkable. Every effort and monitoring is being taken to ensure a safe and sound campus for the residing Officers, Staff and their families including the children. Seemingly, the 100 acres’ campus has been transformed into a ‘spontaneously quarantined safe zone’.
The Office of the Academy is being maintained despite limitations under the on-going difficult situation. Majority of the office tasks are being carried out through email/e-nothi in line with the Ministry of Shipping. The specifically responsible Officers, Staff and associated Personnel are duly maintaining the utility services like electricity, gas, water, health (dispensary), bank, post office, lights, phone, wi-fi, transportation (limited though), cleanship and the security of the campus. Medical Safety items have been collected as much as possible. A 11 member Committee, headed by Capt. Md. Taufiqul Islam, Senior Nautical Instructor has been formed who are monitoring the campus from the Old Conference Room; can be contacted through the telephone exchange (pabx 2514151-6).
The office will remain closed during 26 March to 4 April 2020 as per Government Order. As such the Cadets’ special vacation will also be extended.
Let’s all work hand in hand and win the war against CoronaVirus – Let’s conquer Covid-19 together. “But Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” – Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway.